Sermon Audio Messages Second Half of 2020
Recorded each Sunday by our Audio/Visual Technician
Added Fuel for your Soul
Audio of the Sermons presented by our Pastors
They are listed with the newest at the top.
Past messages are archived under the messages tab in a separate Section.
Click Download MP3 Here link to download otherwise just hit the play button to listen online.
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Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Reasons to Rejoice." The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Reasons to Rejoice
(Nativity Passages)
Date: 12/27/20 (Sunday)
Sermon Title: An Angelic Announcement
(Luke 2:8-20)
Date: 12/24/20 (Wednesday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Gifts for a King." The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Gifts for a King
(Matthew 2:1-12)
Date: 12/20/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Follow the Start." The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Follow the Star
(Matthew 2:1-12)
Date: 12/13/20 (Sunday)
Sermon Title: God has a Plan - It's Christ
(Matthew 1:18-25)
Date: 12/6/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "God has a Plan - It's Christ." The notes are in PDF format.
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "The Trilogy for Thankfulness." The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: The Trilogy for Thankfulness
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Date: 11/29/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "What Thankfulness Combats." The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: What Thankfulness Combats
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Date: 11/22/20 (Sunday)
There is no video recording of the 11/15/20 sermon only an audio recording
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Christ is Sovereign over a Raging World." The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Christ is Sovereign Over a Raging World
(Psalm 2; Acts 4:1-314
Date: 11/8/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Taking the Word to the World" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Taking the Word to the World
(Ezekiel 3:1-11)
Date: 10/25/20 (Sunday)
There is no video recording of the 10/18/20 sermon only an audio recording
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Time to Grow up" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Time to Grow up
(Hebrews 5:11-14)
Date: 10/11/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Hungering for the Word" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Hungering for the Word
(1 Peter 2:1-3)
Date: 10/4/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "My Times are in your Hand" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: My Times are in your Hand
(Psalm 31)
Date: 9/27/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "The Passover Lamb" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: The Passover Lamb
(Exodus 12:1-14)
Date: 9/20/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Elijah Got Depressed" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Elijah Got Depressed
(1 Kings 19)
Date: 9/13/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Hope and Praise" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Hope and Praise
(Psalm 42)
Date: 9/6/20 (Sunday)
There is no video recording of the 8/30/20 sermon only an audio recording
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Thirsting for God in Discouragement" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Thirsting for God in Discouragement
(Psalm 42)
Date: 8/23/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "What is our Purpose?" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: What is our Purpose?
(Ecclesiastes 12)
Date: 8/16/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for The Redeemer's Reproach" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: The Redeemer's Reproach
(Mark 15:21-32; Psalm 69:1-21)
Date: 8/9/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Christ Mocked During the Crucifixion" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Christ Mocked During the Crucifixion
(Mark 15:21-32)
Date: 8/2/20 (Sunday)
Sermon Title: Christ Exhausted Before the Crucifixion
(Mark 15:16-22)
Date: 7/26/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Christ Exhausted Before Crucifixion" The notes are in PDF format.
There is no video recording of the 7/19/20 sermon only an audio recording
Sermon Title: The Sell Out of the Servant
(Mark Chapters 14 & 15)
Date: 7/12/20 (Sunday)
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Sell Out of the Servant" The notes are in PDF format.
Click on the icon above to download the sermon notes for "Christ's 3-Fold Prediction" The notes are in PDF format.
Sermon Title: Christ's 3-Fold Prediction
(Mark Chapters 8,9, and 10)
Date: 7/5/20 (Sunday)