​​We, at New Beginnings Community Church, are involved with these ministries:
Music team. Each Sunday morning they lead us in songs and worship. We have a mix of traditional and contemporary music. Practice is on Thursday evenings.
Faith Promise, a monthly giving program that supports state-side and overseas missionaries.
Bible study at The Grand. This happens on Tuesday afternoons led by Karen Kern. At Christmas time, we take a group and go caroling!
Prayer list. If you have a need, contact the church office to be added to our prayer list, and we'll pray for you.
Sunday School at 9 a.m. for ages 5-adult
Wednesday night adult Bible study.
Operation Christmas Child -- we participate in this annual event through Samaritan's Purse.
Women's Ministry -- includes periodic Bible studies, coordination of church events and meals, and maintaining church building decor. Many of the women get together during the week at their homes -- for fellowship or Bible study.
Men's Bible studies.
CareNet Pregnancy Center -- we are involved through different fundraisers and their annual walk-a-thon​​
Nursery -- available for ages 1-4 at our Sunday a.m. service
Food collection for the Rome Rescue Mission
If you would like to get involved or have any questions about these activities, please contact the church office at 336-0261.​